If you have difficulty understanding English or have a disability, free language assistance or other aids and services are available upon request.
You work hard to provide the best for your kids. WIC can help.
WIC helps families like yours feel their best. We provide foods that are good for growing bodies and we support your wellness by providing meal/snack ideas. We also connect you to resources in your community.
If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, just had a baby or have a child under five, WIC may be for you. Parents, grandparents, foster parents and other caregivers may apply for WIC for children in their care. WIC also helps those that had a pregnancy loss in the last six months.
New to WIC? Click below for more information and to enroll.
Already on WIC? We are glad you are part of our program! Click below for help.
Watch the videos below to learn more about how WIC may help you!
For more information, please contact your local WIC office or 1-800-360-6150. You may also email wicadmin@itcaonline.com
This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Full Non-Discrimination Statement.
For more information on client Rights and Responsibilities, click here.