The NFCSP is funded by the federal Older Americans Act, Title VI and Title III E, which was reauthorized in 2007 and requires all Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) to focus on caregiver issues and provide services primarily for the benefit of the caregivers. The NFCSP is intended to provide an opportunity for the aging network to develop a service delivery system to support the needs of the caregivers by providing the following services:
- Information
- Assistance
- Individual counseling, support groups, and caregiver training
- Respite care
- Supplemental services
Two populations are to be served by the program: family caregivers of adults age 60 and older and grandparents or relative caregivers of children not more than 18 years of age.
It is unlikely that the NFCSP alone will be able to meet the needs of all caregivers or respond to all the needs of an individual caregiver over the length of his/her caregiving career. Therefore, it is vitally important to ensure the efficient use of limited Older Americans Act (OAA) funds by taking advantage of other services that may support caregivers and help meet the needs of care recipients.