Health Promotion/Disease Prevention

The Area Agency on Aging offers a variety of health promotion/disease prevention activities for elders and family caregivers.  AAA offers Chronic Disease Self Management Program, EnhanceFitness and A Matter of Balance.

Chronic Disease Self Management Program (CDSMP)

ITCA-AAA offers the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP), an evidence-based program, at four tribal community sites.  ITCA-AAA hosts lay leader training for the tribes annually and assist the tribes in implementing the workshops.  The Master Trainers provided training to over 30 lay-leaders.  ITCA-AAA plans to have participating tribes conduct two workshops annually (each workshop is six-weeks long) using the Stanford University’s CDSMP curriculum.  Over 80 elders and caregivers will complete the six-weeks workshop on an annual basis.

EnhanceFitness (EF)

ITCA-AAA has partnered with the White Mountain Apache Tribe (WMAT), the Gila River Indian Community, the Salt River Indian Community, and the Fort Mojave Indian Tribe to conduct the Enhance Fitness Program.  The tribes provide the lay-leader and recruit the elders.  The senior centers conduct the exercise sessions three-times a week for elders.


A Matter Of Balance (MOB)

A Matter of Balance (MOB) is an evidence-based program designed to reduce the fear of falling and to increase the activity levels of older adults who have concerns about falls.  During the eight two-hour sessions, participants learn to:

  • View falls as controllable
  • Set goals for increasing activity
  • Make changes to reduce fall risk at home
  • Exercise to increase strength and balance

Participants learn through group discussion, problem-solving, skill building, assertiveness training, exercise training, videos and sharing practical solutions.  Participants report:

  • Increased confidence in taking a walk, climbing stairs, carrying bundles without falling
  • More confidence that they can increase their strength, find ways to reduce falls, and protect themselves if they do fall
  • Increased amount of exercise on a regular basis


A Matter of Balance is made possible by a grant from the U.S. Administration for Community Living (ACL).  For more information, contact: Roxanne Thomas, ITCA-AAA Program Specialist at 602-258-4822.