Fruit and Veggies – More Matters

September 2016

The Inter Tribal Council on Arizona is celebrating September with the Fruit and Veggies – More Matters Campaign. The American Indian population has among the highest rates of obesity and diabetes in the United States. Studies have shown that among overweight adults, higher intakes of green leafy or dark yellow vegetables were significantly associated with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. More than 90% of both adults and children do not eat the amount of fruits and vegetables recommended by the latest dietary guidelines. Dietitians recommend filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables.  Try these tips to help meet this goal:

  1. Fruit Skewers – Frozen fruit chunks such as grapes, banana slices, blueberries, mango or watermelon on skewers – make a rainbow on a stick.
  2. Breakfast Boost – Add bananas or berries to your morning cereal or oatmeal. If you eat an omelet, add bell peppers and onions for some extra flavor and nutrition.
  3. Fill up on Veggies – Making soup, pizza, sandwiches, or lasagna? Try adding some vegetables such as spinach, tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, mushrooms, etc.
  4. Be Sneaky – If you have a picky eater, try shredding or finely dicing some veggies into some of their favorite dishes.
  5. Feature a Fresh New Vegetable– have your child pick out a new vegetable each week and incorporate that vegetable into your meals or snacks. Children are much more likely to try something new when they pick it out themselves.
  6. Goodbye Cookie – Try offering fruits and veggies with a dip as a snack instead of cookies or crackers.  Studies show the popularity of serving cookies as a children’s’ snack is on the decline. Fruit is now the number one snack item parents give to children under the age of six. Try sliced cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, apples etc.
  7. Smoothies – Try using yogurt and your favorite mixture of fruits to blend together into a smoothie as a refreshing drink.
  8. Salad on the side – Try offering a small side salad at dinner time. Children can fill their plate with how ever much they want.


Reasons why to eat more fruits and vegetables?

  1. They are delicious!
  2. Fun to eat – some crunch, squirt, some you can peel, and some you can grow in your own backyard!
  3. Quick, convenient, and natural – fruits and vegetables are natures treat – they are very portable and easy to pack as a snack.
  4. Variety – They come in so many colors, shapes, and sizes.
  5. Vitamins and minerals – they pack a lot of nutrients to keep you feeling healthy and energized.
  6. May reduce risk of diseases – eating a variety of fruits and vegetables may reduce a person’s risk of many diseased including heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer.
  7. Low in calories.
  8. Fiber – fruits and veggies provide fiber that helps fill you up and keeps your digestive system happy.

Adapted from:–More+Matters+Month

To learn more about the importance of fruits and veggies, check out the following resources:
Fruit and Veggies – More Matters Infographic


Beat the Heat! Stay Hydrated!

Arizona is one of the hottest places on earth from May to September which makes heat related illness very common during these months. Over 1,500 deaths from exposure to excessive natural heat have occurred in Arizona from 2000 to 2012. Anyone can be affected by heat-related illness but children under 4 years of age are at an even greater risk. One of the best ways to prevent heat related illness is to stay hydrated. The amount of water someone needs is variable depending on age, heat exposure, activity and other factors. Everyone should drink enough water to quench their thirst, however in extreme heat; we may forget to drink enough water. Most people will need at least 8-10 cups of water under normal conditions. More water may be needed if it is hot and the person is active. Try to minimize alcohol and caffeine intake because these drink may dehydrate you more. Offer kids water instead of sugary beverages such as juice, soda, Gatorade, kool-aid, and sweet tea.

Heat-related illness usually comes in stages. The signal of the first stage is thirst. Drinking water at this stage can prevent you from progressing to the more serious kinds of heat related illnesses. When temperatures are on the rise, watch for these other symptoms of heat related illness:
• Thirst, dry mouth and skin
• Headache
• Dizziness and confusion
• Nausea
• Fatigue
• Less frequent urination
• Increased heart rate
Check out the following resources to stay cool this summer and stay hydrated.

Stay Hydrated Infographic

Hydration- What you need to know

Hydration- Why It’s so Important

WIC services begin at NACA in Flagstaff

Native Americans for Community Action (NACA) began offering WIC services in Flagstaff on June 28, 2016! Call 928-773-1245 for an appointment or visit them at 1500 E. Cedar Ave, Suite 26 in Flagstaff.

National Safety Month

June 2016

ITCA WIC is honoring June as Safety Month by sharing some important safety tips for women, infants, and children.

Food Safety

Every child is at risk for choking, but children under the age of 4 years are more likely to choke because they have narrow throats and airways, cannot chew very well due to lack of teeth, and they often put things in their mouths.

Knowing about choking risks and safety tips can help prevent choking. The link below shows foods that are choking risks and foods to avoid for children under the age of 1. Follow these guidelines to help keep your children safe:

Prepare Safe Foods:

  • Cut foods into small pieces no larger than ½ inch
  • Cut meat across the grain into thin small pieces
  • Offer soft cooked chicken, fish, beef, or turkey that is easy to chew
  • Slice grapes, cherry tomatoes, and other round foods into 2 or 4 small pieces
  • Cook carrot sticks or broccoli pieces until slightly soft
  • Grate raw vegetables
  • Spread peanut butter thinly on bread, crackers, or tortillas
  • Do not let your child eat a glob of peanut butter on a spoon

Eat Safe:

  • Have your child sit down while eating at the table
  • Do not let your child run, walk, play, or lie down while eating
  • Stay with your child while eating
  • Watch your child while eating
  • Keep unsafe foods out of reach
  • Teach your child to chew food well before swallowing
  • Learn how to help a child who is choking by taking CPR/First Aid classes in the community

Pregnant women need to be careful about food safety. According to the CDC, 48 million persons get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die from illness caused by food in the United States each year. Pregnant women and their unborn children have a higher risk of developing certain foodborne illnesses because their ability to fight off infection is lower when pregnant. Use the links below for foods that should be avoided during pregnancy and safe cooking tips.

Car Seat Safety

Each year, thousands of young children are killed or injured in car crashes. In fact, the CDC reports motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death for American Indians aged 1–44. On average, 2 American Indians are killed every day in motor vehicle crashes.  American Indians are injured or killed in motor vehicle crashes at much higher rates than other Americans and have lower use rates of car seats, booster seats, and seat belts.

Proper use of car seats helps keep children safe. With so many different styles and seats available, it may be hard to tell which one is the right one. The type of seat your child needs depends on several things, including your child’s age and size and the type of vehicle you have. Read the links below for information on selecting the correct seat for your child and other car seat safety tips.  You may be able to get a free car seat in your area. Ask your local fire or police departments about free car seats in your area.

National Safety Month Infographic

Dental Awareness Month

April 2016

Taking good care of your teeth is not just about having a nice smile and pleasant breath.  A healthy mouth may help you ward off medical conditions.

Tooth decay is a significant health problem for American Indians.  In 2014, more than 2.4 million American Indians lived in counties with dental care shortage areas, and half of all American Indian children lived in a shortage area. In fact, preschool-aged American Indian children had four times more cases of untreated tooth decay than white children—43 percent compared with 11 percent. Studies show that it appears the prevalence of dental disease among American Indians is increasing. Read on to learn more about how poor dental health can affect your overall health.

Poorly Controlled Diabetes: If you have diabetes, you’re already at increased risk of developing gum disease. But chronic gum disease may, in fact, make diabetes more difficult to control. An infection may cause insulin resistance, which affects blood sugar control.

Cardiovascular Disease: Oral inflammation due to bacteria, also called gingivitis, may also play a role in clogged arteries and blood clots. It appears that bacteria in the mouth may cause inflammation throughout the body, including the arteries. This inflammation may cause buildup of plaques in the arteries, possibly increasing your risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Preterm Birth: Severe gum disease may increase the risk of preterm delivery and giving birth to a low birth weight baby. Research estimates  that as many as 18 percent of preterm, low birth weight babies born in the U.S. each year may be attributed to oral infections. They suspect oral bacteria release toxins, which reach the placenta through the mother’s bloodstream and interfere with the growth and development of the fetus.

Nutrition: Sensitivity in the mouth or pain while eating caused by dental problems can affect the foods we chose to eat. This can result in elimination of entire food groups which can greatly affect our health. Be sure to talk to your dentist about any pain or sensitivity in your mouth during your routine checkups.

Start taking care of your oral health early on in life because you’re making an investment in your overall health, not just for now, but for the future, too. See the information below to find steps to care for your mouth in all stages of life.

Dental Awareness Month Infographic

National Nutrition Month

March 2016

For National Nutrition Month® 2016, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and ITCA are encouraging everyone to “Savor the Flavor of Eating Right”. Food works as fuel for our bodies and gives us the nutrients we need to fight off disease, heal wounds, bring life into this world, and more. Food is a source of enjoyment, a means of social gatherings, and something that brings us all together. Take this month to savor the food that does so much for us with some of these tips:

Enjoy Social Experiences 
Whenever an important event or holiday comes around, what do we all gather together to do? EAT! Gathering around food to share and converse with friends and family is something that puts everyone in a good mood. Even something as simple as a nightly family dinner has been proven to be beneficial in terms of strengthening family relationships as well as healthy eating. Savor those moments.

Appreciate Foods Pleasures and Flavors 
In today’s busy world, many of us eat on the run and don’t even sit down for a bite. This has resulted in many of us eating quickly and mindlessly. Slow down. Savor each bite and actually experience your food. Eating slower has been linked to eating less because your stomach has time to tell your brain it is getting full.

Flavor your Food in a Healthy Way
Sugar, fat, and salt are three of the things Americans tend to consume in excess.

Sugar: 50% of the sugar in the typical diet comes from sweetened beverages and another 25% comes from sweet treats. Try to:

  • Cut back on the amount of sugar added to things you eat or drink regularly like coffee or iced tea.
  • Buy low-calorie beverages or better yet, drink water! Try making it exciting by flavoring it with your favorite fruits or vegetables.

Fat: The average American eats 26 grams of saturated fat per day. That’s almost twice the recommended amount. To cut down, try to:

  • Use canola or olive oil for cooking instead of butter or lard.
  • Try baking, broiling, or grilling foods as opposed to frying.
  • Replace whole-fat dairy with low-fat or nonfat milk, yogurt, and cheese.
  • Replace meats with skinless chicken or fish a few days a week.

Salt: Nearly all Americans consume too much salt and 75% of salt comes from eating processed and restaurant foods. Try to:

  • Limit salty condiments such as ketchup and salad dressing. Try a yogurt-based dip instead.
  • Instead of deli meats like bologna, salami, ham, and hot dogs, try baked chicken or turkey in sandwiches.
  • Skip the salt and try salt-free seasonings such as herbs, spices, garlic, vinegar, black pepper or lemon juice.

For more information on National Nutrition Month, visit:

Heart Disease Awareness Month

February 2016

The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona WIC Program is increasing awareness of the prevalence of heart disease in the United States, particularly in American Indian women. Heart disease causes one in three deaths in women each year. That equates to one woman every minute. American Indians die from heart diseases at younger ages than other racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Thirty–six percent of those who die of heart disease die before age 65. February is National Heart Month so join us in taking a stand against America’s top killer, heart disease, because 80% of cardiac and stroke events may be prevented with education and action.

The first step is becoming familiar with your family history. The information you provide will help your doctor be on the lookout for early signs of the same diseases in you and your children. Go to your doctor for regular physicals and screenings for blood pressure and cholesterol. This is especially important because heart disease may have no symptoms.

We can also take measures every day to help keep our hearts healthy.

Eat Well: Eat foods that will fuel your body by:

  • Limiting processed and packaged foods which are loaded with salt
  • Cutting down on fried foods such as fry bread, red meats such as mutton, as well as lard and cheeses
  • Eating more fiber through fruits, vegetables, and whole grains
  • Drinking plenty of water everyday

Exercise Well: Manage your weight. Choose activities that you will enjoy doing such as hiking, gardening, or traditional dancing. You can do anything physical that keeps your heart rate up for 30 minutes 5 days a week. If you don’t have time for a whole workout, try doing spouts of exercise for just 10 mins a few times throughout the day.

Live Well: Try to adopt healthy habits that help manage stress such as smudging or exercise. Make sure you get enough sleep each night.  When you’re asleep, your heart rate and blood pressure go down. That gives your heart a much needed break. Avoid smoking and limit alcohol intake.

February is a month to take a stand against heart disease. Talk to your doctor and start making healthy choices each and every day. For more information, check out these r esources:

New WIC client video now available!

ITCA is pleased to announce that videos are now available in English and Spanish to help new WIC clients learn about WIC and how to use WIC benefits!

Check out the videos here!

National Birth Defects Prevention Month

January 2016

The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona is working to raise awareness of birth defects and to promote strategies that can reduce the risk of birth defects and their complications.  The National Birth Defects Prevention Network’s 2016 theme is Making Healthy Choices to Prevent Birth Defects: Make a PACT for Prevention.”  Although not all birth defects can be prevented, the community can help all women, including teens, who could become pregnant or are pregnant to lower their risk of having babies with birth defects by encouraging them to follow some basic health guidelines throughout their reproductive years:

Plan ahead

  • Get as healthy as you can before you get pregnant.
  • Get 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day.

Avoid harmful substances

  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • Be careful with harmful exposures at work and at home.

Choose a healthy lifestyle

  • Eat a healthy diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low fat dairy, lean proteins, and healthy fats and oils.
  • Be physically active.
  • Work to get medical conditions like diabetes under control.  

Talk to your healthcare provider

  • Get a medical checkup.
  • Discuss all medications, both prescription and over-the-counter.
  • Talk about your family medical history.

January is a perfect time to call additional attention to the importance of folic acid in preventing certain birth defects.  The United States Public Health Service recommends that all women of childbearing age consume 400 micrograms (400mcg or .4mg) of folic acid daily to prevent up to 50 – 70% of neural tube defects, such as spina bifida and anencephaly.

You can make a difference in the lives of our families.

For more information on Birth Defects Prevention, visit:

Title III & VI Monitoring

FY 2024 ITCA-AAA Title III & VI Monitoring Schedule

FY24 TIII & TVI Monitoring Schedule

FY 2022 Monitoring Schedule:

FY22 Title III & Title VI Monitoring Schedule

FY 2020 Monitoring Schedule:

FY2020 Title III ITCA-AAA Monitoring Schedule

FY 2019 Monitoring Schedule:

FY2019 ITCA-AAA Monitoring Schedule Rev. 2.28.19

FY 2018 Monitoring Schedule:

Rev. 5.18.18_FY2018 ITCA-AAA Monitoring Schedule 

FY2018 Monitoring Checklist for Admin, C1 & C2 Services

FY 2017 Monitoring Schedule:

FY2017 ITCA-AAA Monitoring Schedule

FY2017 Monitoring Checklist 12.6.16

2023-2024 TWS Training Schedule

2023-2024 Training Schedule for Tribal Water and Wastewater Utilities Personnel

The ITCA National Tribal Water Systems Operator Certification Program is pleased to provide this schedule of free operator training and certification events (see below Table of Events). The table will be periodically updated as new training course are confirmed.

When a course is open for registration, its title is shown in the table with an active link.  Click on the active course title in the table for details and registration instructions. Events that have already occurred are shown in gray with a strike-through. Events that are not yet open for registration are shown in black and don’t have active links.

Some courses are offered more than once to provide operators with options. Instructors may vary from one course offering to another.


Types of Course Formats

  • Online Courses.  Some courses are offered in a 100% live online virtual format. (Note: certification exams are available year-round through computer-based testing.)
  • In-Person Courses.  Some short-duration, continuing education training events may be offered in a 100% in-person format. Some courses will include in-person certification exam sessions.
  • Blended Courses.  Comprehensive, certification preparation courses are offered in a Blended format, which consists of two sequential parts:
    (Part 1 uses live online virtual format) + (Part 2 uses in-person classroom format).

The in-person Part 2 picks up where the virtual Part 1 ends.  The in-person Part 2               will not spend any time reviewing curriculum content covered during the virtual Part 1.

For certification preparation courses that are in the blended format, the in-person               Part 2 includes in-person certification exam sessions.

Training Contact Hours
All ITCA Program training events provide opportunity for students to earn training contact hours based on participation and attendance.

The terms “lesson”, “class”, and “course” are defined in the ITCA Standards for Contact Hour Credit from Virtual Training Events document.

Click here: ITCA Standards for Online Training Contact Hours.

Certified Exams

  • Computer-Based Testing.  Certification exams are available year-round through computer-based testing (CBT) at over 300 nationwide testing center locations (See 2023 CBT announcement).
  • Paper-Booklet Testing.  In-person certification exam sessions using paper-booklet testing (PBT) are included during Blended certification preparation courses.  In addition, the ITCA Program may periodically offer stand-alone, in-person PBT exam sessions.

Travel Expense Reimbursement
Participant travel expense reimbursement stipends are available for participants of the in-person parts of ITCA Program training and certification events.  For more information, contact the ITCA Tribal Water Systems Program by phone at (602) 258-4822, or by email at

*Specified Regional or Area Designations
Most of the online training courses are listed without any specified region or area and are therefore, open without restriction. However, some training courses are listed for certain regions or areas. Such training courses are made possible by funding agencies for the express purpose of serving certain geographic areas. When a course is listed for a specific region or area, two different registration options are available—Priority Registration, and General Admission Waiting List.

  • Priority Registration

If you work on Tribal lands in the region or area specified for that course, please use the “priority registration” option. Priority registration will be monitored and tracked based on the work address provided during registration.

  • General Admission Waiting List

Online training course size is limited to preserve the high quality of student-focused instruction. A general admission waiting list is available for personnel working on Tribal lands that are outside of the region or area specified for the particular course. Selection for the course will be first come, first served based on seats available after the priority registration seats are filled.

IHS Area Map, below
Click Here: IHS Area Map

Click Here: USEPA Regional Map

The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Table of Events

Key to abbreviations:

“v” = virtual, live online

“B” = blend (part 1 is online, part 2 is in-person)

“ip” = in-person


Professional Certification Training Course, blended*Region 7 priority

Course ID# Operator Training/Certification Event Start & End Date Days of Week A.M./P.M.
——— 2023 Computer Based Testing Coming soon 2024 Computer Based Testing 2023 year-around2024 year-around  ——— ———
#24013(v) Wastewater Math
Operator Training Course, virtual
(v) May 29-June 7
 daily A.M.
 #24016(B) Wastewater Collection-Level 1
Operator Certification Training Course, blended
 Part 1 – live on-line (v) June 17-21  M, T, Th, F  A.M.
 Part 2 – in-person (ip) June 24-28
Camp Verde, AZ
 M thru F  all day
#24039(ip) Wastewater Federal Regulations
Training Course, in-person
*Region 9 priority
(ip) August 6-8
location TBA
T, W, Th all day
 #24046(B) Wastewater Treatment-Level 1
Operator Certification Training Course, blended

*Region 9 priority
 Part 1 – live on-line (v) August 12-16  M, T, Th, F  A.M.
 Part 2 – in-person (ip) August 19-23
location TBA
 M thru F  all day
 #24047(B) Wastewater Treatment-Level 2
Operator Certification Training Course, blended

*Region 9 priority
 Part 1 – live on-line (v) August 12-16  M, T, Th, F  A.M.
 Part 2 – in-person (ip) August 19-23
location TBA
 M thru F  all day
#24071(v) Wastewater Math
Operator Training Course, virtual
(v) September 17-26 daily A.M.
 #24080(B) Wastewater Collection-Level 1
Operator Certification Training Course, blended
 Part 1 – live on-line (v) October 8-11  T, W, Th, F  A.M.
 Part 2 – in-person (ip) October 14-18
location TBA
 M thru F  all day
 #24081(B) Wastewater Lagoons
Operator Training Course, blended
 Part 1 – live on-line (v) October 29-31  T, W, Th  A.M.
 Part 2 – in-person (ip) November 4-7
location, TBA
 M thru Th  all day
 Drinking Water
#24005(B) SDWA Federal Regulations
Operator Certification Training Course, blended
Part 1 – live on-line (v) April 2-5 T,W,Th,F A.M.
Part 2 – in-person (ip) April 8-12
Parker, AZ
M thru F all day
#24004(B) Water Distribution-Level 1
Operator Certification Training Course, blended
*Region 9 priority
Part 1 – live on-line (v) April 15-18 M,T,W,TH A.M.
Part 2 – in-person (ip) April 22-26
Parker, AZ
M thru F all day
#24008(B) Water Treatment-Level 1
Operator Certification Training Course, blended
Part 1 – live on-line (v) April 22-26 M thru F A.M.
Part 2 – in-person (ip) April 29-May 3
Albuquerque, NM
M thru F all day
#24014(B) Water Distribution-Level 1
Operator Certification Training Course, blended
Part 1 – live on-line (v) June 3-7 M thru F A.M.
Part 2 – in-person (ip) June 10-14
Redwood Valley, CA
M thru F all day
#24015(v) General Module & Very Small Water Systems
Operator Training Course, virtual
(v) TBA
 M thru F A.M.
#24018(B) Water Distribution-Level 2
Operator Certification Training Course, blended
*Region 9 priority
Part 1 – live on-line (v) July 8-12 M thru F A.M.
Part 2 – in-person (ip) July 15-19
location TBA
M thru F all day
#24020(B) General Module & Very Small Water Systems
Operator Certification / Credential Training Course, blended
*Region 8 priority
Part 1 – live on-line (v) July 10-12 W, Th, F A.M.
Part 2 – in-person (ip) July 15-19
Billings, MT
M thru F all day
#24036(ip) Water Treatment Federal Regulations
Operator Certification Training Course, in-person
*Region 9 priority
(ip) July 29-August 2
location TBA
 M thru F A.M.
#24038(B) Water Distribution-Level 1
Operator Certification Training Course, blended
*Region 10 priority
Part 1 – live on-line (v) August 5-16 M, W, F A.M.
Part 2 – in-person (ip) August 19-23
location TBA
M thru F all day
#24048(B) Water Treatment-Level 2
Operator Certification Training Course, blended
*Region 9 priority
Part 1 – live on-line (v) August 19-23 M thru F A.M.
Part 2 – in-person (ip) August 26-30
location TBA
M thru F all day
#24070(B) SDWA Federal Regulations
Operator Certification Training Course, blended
*Region 10 priority
Part 1 – live on-line (v) September 18-20 W, Th, F A.M.
Part 2 – in-person (ip) September 23-27
location TBA
M thru F all day
 Specialized Training
#24011(v) Live On-line Short Training Seminars for Tribal Water & Wastewater Utilities
Topic 1: Building Standard Operating Procedures
Topic 2: Source Water Protection
(v) May 22  Wednesday A.M.
#24017(ip) Asset Management & Utility Finance
Operator Training Course, in-person
(ip) Postponed
 T, W, Th All day
#24021(ip) Backflow Assembly Tester
Professional Certification Training Course, in-person
(ip) July 22-27,
Tempe, AZ
 M thru Sat All day
#24030(ip) Region 5 Tribal Water Utilities Summit
Operator Training and Meeting Event, in-person
(ip) July 23-25
location TBA
 T, W, Th All day
#24037(ip) Paper-Booklet Exam Sessions
for Operator / Professional Certification, in-person
*Region 9 priority
(ip) August 2
location TBA
 Friday All day
#24040(ip) Region 8 Tribal Water Utilities Summit
Operator Training and Meeting Event, in-person
(ip) August 6-8
location TBA
 T, W, Th All day
#24049(v) Professional Development Webinars
Topic 1: Building Standard Operating Procedures
Topic 2: Source Water Protection
(v) September 5 Thursday A.M.
#24060(ip) National Tribal Water Utilities Workgroup Meeting
Operator Training and Meeting Event, in-person
(ip) September 9-13
location TBA
 M thru F All day
#24068(ip) Paper-Booklet Exam Sessions
for Operator/Professional Certification, in-person
(ip) September 14
location TBA
 Saturday All day
 Tribal Utility Management
#24010(B) Tribal Utility Management
Professional Certification Training Course, blended
*Region 7 priority
Part 1 – live on-line (v) May 6-10 M thru F A.M.
Part 2 – in-person (ip) May 13-17
Horton, KS
M thru F all day
 I.H.S. EHSC Trainings
——— I.H.S. Trainings ———  ——— ———
 U.S. EPA Training
——— EPA Trainings ———  ——— ———

2023 Computer-Based Testing, January 2023 – December 2023 (Year-Round)

2023 Computer-Based Testing, (Year-Round)
January 2023 – December 2023

Attached is an event announcement and certification application booklets.  The registration and certification application process is conducted manually by phone, mail, email or fax.

For more information or assistance with registration or assistance with applying for tribal certification, please contact the Tribal Water Department at (602) 258-4822.

Click Here: 2023 Announcement and Registration

Click Here: Application for Water Operator Certification

Click Here: Application for Wastewater Operator Certification

Click Here: Application for Tribal Utility Management

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General Module & Very Small Water Systems Training Course and Credential Exam, in Billings, Montana, July 10-19, 2024, (ID #24020-blended)

General Module & Very Small Water Systems Training Course and Credential Exam Session, in Billings, Montana, July 10-March 19, 2024, (ID #24020-blended)


Part 1 meets: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (on-line)

Dates:  July 10-12, 2024

Time:  8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Mountain Daylight Time)

Location: Zoom


Part 2 meets:  Monday through Friday (in-person)

Dates:  July 15-19, 2024

Time:  8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (Local Time)

Location: Billings, Montana


Click Here: Brochure & Registration Forms

Click Here: Electronic Registration

Click Here: Application for Water Operator Certification

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Technical Assistance to Tribal Communities

The Inter Tribal Council of Arizona (ITCA) Tribal Water System Program is dedicated to providing technical assistance to tribes in order to develop technical, managerial, and financial capacity (TMF), as well as water & wastewater utility sustainability through education, access to resources, training, and technical assistance. The program partners with federal agencies and other organizations to ensure these services are available to Tribal Water Utility operators and managers.

Want to Learn more? CLICK HERE

Tribal Early Childhood Workgroup Meeting

When: September 11, 2019
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Location/Host: ITCA – Conference Room 1

TCC Agenda
SOR Websites
DCS Central Registry Clearance Form
Quality First Professional Development
2013 Roundtable Agenda
2013 Conference Agenda

Tribal Child Protective Services Academy

When: May 9, 2016 – May 13, 2016

The purpose of the Tribal Child Protective Services Training Academy is to meet the ongoing training needs of tribal workers for core training in the identification, intervention and treatment of child abuse and neglect that is consistent with tribal strengths, resources, priorities, and consistent with Indian child welfare practice. The academy is limited to 25 participants. Priority will be given to new Tribal CPS workers.

Tribal Social Services Workgroup Meetings

When: February 1, 2017
Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm
Location: ITCA – Conference Room 1

Conference Call Information:
Phone Number: 800-832-0736
Room Number: 7305248

Tribal Social Services Working Group Meeting Agenda
Tribal Social Services Working Group Meeting Presentation
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Seminar Registration Form
Native American Veterans Income Tax Settlement Fund

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Title III – Recorded Webinars

Caregiver Webinars:

New Caregiver Reporting Forms Webinar 10/30/17

pp reporting forms 10.28.17 (Handout)

Recent Webinars:

FY 2016 Closeout Discussion (June 22, 2016) 

DAARS Recorded Tutorials: 

Title III Congregate Meals – 9.29.15

DAARS Tutorial – Adding New Authorization Period 11.09.15 

DAARS Tutorial Annual Reassessment 11.04.15 

Recorded Webinars: 

Q&A DAARS Session (Recorded Webinar) – 9/30/2015

FY2016 Title III Program Manager’s Meeting – 10/6/2015
FY 2016 Title III Service Reporting PPT_10.6.15 (Handout)

Title VI Manual & Forms

Eligibility Requirements for Title VI Funds

  • American Indian/Alaska Natives
  • Funds are to be used for elders (Tribe determines age of elders)
  • The spouse of an eligible individual
  • Volunteers who assist during mealtimes
  • Persons with a disability who reside with eligible individuals

Administration on Aging Title VI Resource Manual

Title VI Annual Program Performance Report (PPR)

Title VI Quarterly Program Performance Report (PPR) for ITCA Consortium Tribes Only

Helpful Websites


Laurai Atcitty, AAA Director

Mary Weston, AAA Program Manager

Jackie Edwards, Family Caregiver Support Program Coordinator

Nanette Taho, Nutrition Analyst/Program Coordinator

Stephanie Barehand, Public Benefits/Independent Living Support Specialist II

Roxanne Thomas, AAA Program Specialist II

Flor Olivas, AAA Tribal Ombudsman Specialist

Linda Oosahwe, Administrative Assistant

National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

September 2015

33% of children in the United States are overweight or obese.  43% of American Indian children aged 2-4 are overweight or obese.  Childhood obesity puts kids at risk for health problems that were once seen only in adults, like type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.  There is a greater risk for breathing problems, such as sleep apnea and asthma and social and psychological problems such as discrimination and poor self-esteem in children with obesity.

The good news is that childhood obesity can be prevented.  In honor of National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, ITCA encourages your family to make healthy changes together.

  • Get active:  Go for a family walk; play music and have a dance party; play with a ball,
    inside or outside the home; go to a wellness or recreational center; or join a sports team.
  • Limit screen time: Keep screen time (including video games, computers, tablets, cellphones and TV’s) to 2 hours or less per day.  Children under 2 should have no screen time.
  • Make healthy meals and snacks: Buy and serve more fruit and vegetables and whole grains.  Have children help with simple tasks when preparing meals and snacks.
  • Serve healthy drinks: Water, fat free and low fat milk (for children 2 and older), and juice with vitamin C in limited amounts.

Taking small steps as a family can help your child stay at a healthy weight.

For more information on Childhood Obesity, visit:

For more information on healthy eating and physical activity, visit:

Local Air Quality News


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American Lung Association State of the Air 2015 – Arizona


EPA awards $1.2 million brownfields grants to three Arizona communities


Phoenix Ranks 11th on EPA’s Energy Star Top Cities List

National Air Quality News


FACT SHEET: White House Launches American Business Act on Climate Pledge


The Administration Takes a Big Step in Addressing Climate-Damaging HFCs


In Perspective: the Supreme Court’s Mercury and Air Toxics Rule Decision


EPA: Launching a New Era of State, Tribal, Local and International Partnerships


EPA announces availability of $1 million for tribes to upgrade diesel engines


Air Quality Publications

Dusty the Asthma Goldfish          Get To Know CO Alarms Comic

Carbon Monoxide Deaths Fact Sheet          Effects of Common Air Pollutants

Basic Radon Facts          Asthma Prevention

Asthma Fact Sheet          10 Steps to Making Your Home Asthma-Friendly

Get Rid of Mold          Asthma and Outdoor Air Pollution

Asthma & Allergies          Age Healthier Breathe Easier

What If We Kept Our Cars Parked          What If We Drove Our Most Efficient Car

Healthy Homes Brochure          Healthy Homes Action Card

The Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act

Wet Wood is a Waste

Cleaning to Controll Allergies & Asthma

Carbon Monoxide the Invisible Killer

Charcoal Grill Safety Tips


Pesticide Safety Part 1

Pesticide Safety Part 2