ITCA provides staff support and administrative support to ICIN which was created in 1994. This organization was the first in Indian Country Law Enforcement to establish a state-wide collaborative partnership among all 21 Indian Tribes to improve communication, provide training, affect positive changes and strengthen relationships with neighboring jurisdictions. ICIN is comprised of law enforcement executives from Tribal Law Enforcement and Correction Agencies as well as representatives from numerous, Municipal, County, State and Federal Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice agencies. ICIN believes that the uniqueness of Indian Country law enforcement is worthy of special recognition.
In every community there exists the critical need to build robust collaborative partnerships between residents, government, law enforcement, businesses and schools to identify community quality of life issues and then to develop strategies with real life solutions that result in making a difference in the lives of the people we serve and the community we form.
- More now than ever, police must be able to work collaboratively as partners with our neighboring police agencies and communities to build such partnerships.
- We have experienced great success with ICIN in Arizona through networking, developing relationships with other agencies and many training opportunities.
- ICIN meets every other month, moving from one hosting location to another in Arizona covering various topics and issues on our agenda.
- Today, there are ICIN Associations located in California, Nevada, Washington and New Mexico.
Looking back…
ICIN was established in 1994 when Chief Karl G. Auerbach of the Salt River Police Department (then a Detective Sergeant), reached-out to BIA Gila River Agent Roy Janisch and Agent Mike “Medicine Hat” Zillioux to discuss pattern and trend analysis of a case that Sgt. Auerbach believed involved the same suspect perpetrating crimes at both Salt River and Gila River. Thereafter, they met monthly for an exchange of information and for lunch. They found great value sharing information between police agencies in a cooperative and collaborative environment and the results of solved cases and protecting their communities.
Late 1994, the idea to form an association as well as the name of Indian Country Intelligence Network (ICIN) and the logo (design drawn by Glenford “Budge” Lewis) were developed and presented by Sgt. Auerbach to Chief Ed Reina (former Salt River Police Department Chief) and at the meeting held on March 22, 1995, the ICIN Association was officially formed. In 1996, ICIN was fortunate to have the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona (ITCA) and Mr. Patrick McMullen (who was director of environmental quality programs at the time) take us “under their wings” and then later, the late George Little (ITCA Staff) became the ICIN Secretary.