The purpose of the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP) Program is to create a better awareness among tribal communities of the importance of having a chemical emergency response plan, provide training, and assist in facilitating the development and permanent establishment of a Tribal Emergency Response Commission (TERC). The TERC serves to protect tribal health and safety and maintain the goal of a contaminant free environment. The HMEP program is primarily directed to the 18 Tribal governments participating. However, it is the policy of ITCA that all 22 federally recognized tribes in Arizona are extended any clearinghouse information that may be of assistance to their communities in developing infrastructure and environmental programs to improve safety and to protect their people.
The Objectives of this Project are to:
- Provide chemical emergency response awareness and training.
- Support the development and establishment of TERC/LEPC.
- Provide specific training and technical support to Tribal communities with little or no emergency preparedness.
- Provide training in SARA Title III regulations for response to hazardous materials incidents.
- Support and assist the development of a Tribal emergency response plan and communication network.
- Assist with hazard analysis, risk and vulnerability assessments in Tribal Communities to encourage preparedness.
- Assist in coordinating table-top exercises with the Tribal Emergency Response Commission to test response capabilities and emergency plans.
Tribal Emergency Managers Working Group Meeting:
The Working Group Meeting objectives are to discuss and coordinate first responder training, exercises (table top) and funding, discuss all hazards emergency response, public health emergency preparedness issues and announce emergency response conferences and training. The Meetings are scheduled on a bi-annual or on an as needed basis.
Emergency Preparedness Coordinator